Revolutionize your sourcing workflow with Barcode Buddy
Barcode Buddy offers you an optimized workflow to speed up your product search, minimize mismatches, and maximize your efficiency in online arbitrage business.

With Barcode Buddy, you can find the product EAN in seconds on almost any page.
faster in
product search
fewer mismatches
than before
Speed through your sourcing
Find any product
in seconds
Use Barcode Buddy to optimize your sourcing process. Use it on any retailer site and enjoy the instant, precise barcode detection and efficient comparison capabilities.

Match Your Products
Trust EAN numbers instead of images
Barcode Buddy finds unique product numbers in every source code, helping you match your product with Amazon instead of conducting time-consuming research like before.

Find the Best Margin
Analyze Variants
with just one click
Barcode Buddy finds unique product numbers in every source code, helping you match your product with Amazon instead of conducting time-consuming research like before.

You too will love Barcode Buddy.
This extension is excellent, it saves more time finding EAN and the search on Amazon icon is very useful to. 5 star for me!
Wer kennt den finalen Schritt vor dem Kauf nicht: Rechtsklick, Seitenquelltext aufrufen und dann die verschiedenen Keywords wie EAN und GTIN über die Suche durchgehen bis die gesuchte Nummer gefunden wird. Dank dem Happy Barcode Buddy muss ich diesen repetitiven und störenden Schritt nicht mehr machen, da ich die Info direkt mit einem Klick in der Extension mir anzeigt bekomme. Klare Empfehlung!
Björn H.
Happy Barcode is a MUST when sourcing and analyzing deals. If you don’t have it, you’re not saving time! I love how efficient I am when sourcing whenever I use Happy Barcode. The integrations are excellent, you can even look at other page comparison sites if there are cheaper deals. Best thing about it is you won’t have to view the page source anymore when looking for Hidden EAN.
Kleines aber sehr cooles und nützliches Tool um das sourcen effizienter zu gestalten. Spart einiges an Zeit und ist super easy zu bedienen.
Silvio B.
Mit dem Barcode Buddy spare ich mir jede Menge Zeit – keine lange und komplizierte Suche nach EAN Nummern und mehr Sicherheit beim Sourcing auch das richtige Produkt zu erwischen. Klare Empfehlung an alle, die einfacher und sicherer Sourcen wollen!
Carsten B.
Man weiß erst, was einem ohne den Barcode Buddy gefehlt hat, wenn man ihn nutzt. Bin mega effizient, keine Missmatches mehr und einfach insgesamt viel schneller beim Sourcen geworden. Finde darüber sogar bessere Deals. Für mich ein Game Changer und no brainer. Super Tool!
Lukas S.
Boost Your Productivity with Barcode Buddy.
Annual Billing
Solo Buddy (1 User)
6,90 Euro / Monat
Our Solo Buddy is your faithful assistant in sourcing and helps you to be more efficient in product search.
Your License: With the purchase of Barcode Solo Buddy, you get a one-year license that gives you full access to the features listed below.
Features of Solo Buddy:
Annual Billing
Team Buddy (5 User)
17,90 Euro / Monat
Our Team Buddy is your faithful assistant in team sourcing for up to 5 users and helps you to be more efficient in product search.
Your License: With the purchase of Barcode Team Buddy, you get a one-year license that allows a total of five users full access to the features listed below.
Features of Team Buddy:
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, as long as the EAN (GTIN or UPC) is present on the website (in the text or source code), Barcode Buddy will find it.
If you are doing online arbitrage alone, Solo Buddy is sufficient for you. The features are exactly the same as in Team Buddy.
Team Buddy makes sense if multiple people are sourcing for you, such as employees and virtual assistants. It allows you to give access to up to 5 people and also revoke access if the person leaves the company.
Convince yourself and test the
Barcode Buddy free for 14 days!
Are you ready to revolutionize your
sourcing process forever?